Music Industry Prezi

Monday 5 March 2012

Experimenting with Sound

I used GarageBand to experiment with sounds by adding in various sounds from a range of instruments, placing them in different positions within the track, looping sounds etc. I used the research to incorporate what i found into my music.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Researching Sound

The website known as '' was used to listen to musical tracks that could accompany a thriller style moving image.
Some use a slow pace combined with eerie noises whilst others prefer fast paced beats to create its anxiety and suspense. Most notable from all of the tracks is the use of the drum; frequent and heavy drum beats make up a considerable part.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Chosen Logo

The chosen image was retrieved from Google images upon entering 'paradox'. It was then traced around on photoshop, outlined and given new colours. The font for the text was extracted from a site called '' after searching its key word 'inception'. It was all then re-sized appropriately, for example, i altered the width of the word 'productions' to match that of the word 'paradox' to give a confusing effect.

Monday 20 February 2012

Fonts Considered for Opening Sequence

 I am considering these font to be my opening sequence font because they suggest mystery and danger which reflects the overall theme of my project.

Progress Update

There are 60 marks available for construction and 20 marks for Research and Planning and 20 marks for evaluation - 100 marks in total

To achieve a grade:

A I need to get 80 marks

B I need to get 70 marks

C I need to get 60 marks

To be in level 4 (grade A/B) my work must demonstrate excellence throughout.

By Monday 5th March I should have a rough cut of my products

By Monday 19th March my products should be completed

From Monday 19th - Friday 30th March I will be working on my 7 evaluation questions.

My completed portfolio should be submitted for formal marking on Monday 16th April. I should use the Easter break to make any minor amendments to my work.

In order to meet these deadlines I will:
- Allocate specific periods of my own time to film my project
- Dedicate media lessons to completing my project

Friday 10 February 2012

Production Company

I believe the film company known as 'Syncopy' (owned by Christopher Nolan) would be an appropriate production company for my movie as they have dealt with many of the recent movies with a particular emphasis on the crime and thriller genre, movies such as:

Model Release Forms

Mood Board

Shooting Schedule

Shot Number/ Description
Time In
Time Out
Cast and Crew
Props, Costume, Make-up etc.
Editing Decision
Title Sequence
Title Sequence
Title Sequence

1 – establishing shot

Connor Bunce –Assassin/delivery man
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, red baseball cap, shorts, belt, parcel, clipboard
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

2 – tracking

Victims house exterior
Connor Bunce –Assassin/delivery man
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, shorts, belt, parcel
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

3 – tracking

Victims house exterior
Connor Bunce –Assassin/delivery man
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, red baseball cap, shorts, belt, parcel, clipboard,
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

4 – extreme close-up

Victims house exterior
Connor Bunce - Assassin/delivery man
Camera, Tripod

Straight cut in, Straight cut out

5 – over the shoulder

Victims house exterior
Connor Bunce –Assassin/delivery man
Kyle Davies – Victim
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, red baseball cap
Victim – suit
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

6 – over the shoulder

Victims house exterior
Connor Bunce –Assassin/delivery man
Kyle Davies – Victim
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, red baseball cap, parcel, clipboard
Victim – suit
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

7 – close-up

Victims house exterior
Connor Bunce –Assassin/delivery man
Kyle Davies – Victim
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, parcel,
Victim – suit
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

8 – P.O.V. shot, upwards tilt, shallow focus

Victims house interior
Connor Bunce – Assassin/delivery man
Kyle Davies – The Victim
Camera, Tripod
Delivery man – red shirt, red baseball cap, shorts, belt, parcel, clipboard, gun
Victim - suit

Straight cut in, Cut to black
Shot Number/ Description
Time In
Time Out
Cast and Crew
Props, Costume, Make-up etc.
Editing Decision

9 – Close-up

Assassin’s house interior
Connor Bunce – Assassin
Camera, Tripod
Assassin - red shirt, red baseball cap, shorts, belt, gun
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

10 – Close-up, Shallow Focus

Assassin’s house interior
Connor Bunce – Assassin
Camera, Tripod
Assassin - red baseball cap
Straight cut in, Straight cut out

11 – Tracking

Assassin’s house interior
Connor Bunce – Assassin
Camera, Tripod
Assassin - red shirt, red baseball cap, shorts, belt, gun, photo
Tracking from black screen in, tracking to black screen out

12 – Over the Shoulder

Assassin’s house interior
Connor Bunce – Assassin
Camera, Tripod
Assassin - red shirt, red baseball cap, shorts, belt, gun, photo
Straight cut in, cut to black out
Title Sequence

Original Production Logos


Thursday 2 February 2012

Image analysis and Composition

Her stern facial expression gives the character a malevolent and potent persona despite the fact that the composition of her eye line is considerably lower than the average regarding the rule of thirds. As well as that, it is positioned as a high angle shot to show vulnerability.

Within this close up of the character, her emotions are highlighted because this is what the audience are intended to focus on.

The character only takes up a small portion of the shot and is contained within closed framing, again reflecting her vulnerable state. The image of the broken glass is very symbolic of her in saying its hard to recognize  her true side of the many that appear when we look into a broken mirror.

The white costume reflects her innocence and benevolence against the dark and malevolent, dimly lit background. However, it could also show insanity. The black eye make-up shows the darkness slowly settling into her as a person.

 While this shot has no characters, it can still represent the mood of the scene and feelings of the characters.

The distant and empty background could reflect the characters/mood as being lonely, insignificant, lost etc.
The abandoned tree is singled out as the only source of life trapped within its desolate surroundings, however, it is languidly joining the rest of the environment shown by the withering of its leaves.
The sky also represents the slow creeping of evil and despair signaled by its blackening.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Feedback to My Storyboard and My Response

Judging from the mixed comments it appears that the majority of feedback received was positive, the main being that the concept and story-line was effective. Comments were also given regarding my cinematography and editing, saying that there was a good variation of techniques that delivered a better product. However, it was stated that certain techniques could become repetitive e.g. constant straight cutting; but the use of fading mixed it up well. It was also noted that the main use of sound (voice-over) was good but they would like to hear a range of other sounds e.g. music.

Another constructive comment was that i lacked any title sequences. This is the main comment i will respond to as this gives the whole sequence the effect that it is an opening.

Overall i was pleased as well as grateful for my feedback which i believe will definitely help to improve my production.

Wednesday 18 January 2012



Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate, with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

The masthead is partially covered by the main image; this gives it a layered effect with things stacked on one another. The main image is to draw attention to their main story, they chose this to be the main story because it will be popular among movie fans and so likely to gain attention and increase sales as opposed to a lesser known story.
It has chosen to use a three colour scheme, red, black and gold. The rich red suggests luxury (red carpet) but could also imply hints to the story (danger, love etc.). The black suggests something dark and unknown. The gold again suggests luxury, possibly implying the story is exclusive.
It also relates to the reader 'your' and makes us part of the story.
Other top stories are listed at the side to sell the magazine further.
Trigger words - 'new' 'never seen' etc. this encourages people to react because they'll be the first to know etc.
Contains a right side margin.
Also contains date and issue number to keep up to date on the latest issue.

Similar colour scheme to the above, red and gold suggests luxury and exclusive information.
Layered effect by placing images on top of one another, this makes it seem more real.
Contains a banner of secondary stories to interest a wider range of audiences.
Contains a right and left sided margin.
Contains trigger words e.g. 'massive' to compel people to buy it.

Monday 12 September 2011

Preliminary Exercise

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/ college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead. Aditionally you must produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate your grasp of DTP.